
Monday, October 21, 2013

Oculus Rift and Music

Hello crazies, how's it going?  Long time no talk and yes, it's my fault.  Lots of new developments and progress.  So here is what has been going on since my last update:

I've recently got my hands on a developers kit of the Oculus Rift.  If you don't know what it is, you can visit their page here and find out more:

So now that everyone knows what it is, you can image how excited I am to have this fine piece of equipment even though it was purchased by a client of mine so that I could develop some software specific idea's for him.  This has taken a lot of my free time away from the video game but I am still pushing on none the less.

I've also had the pleasure of having a meeting with some super creatives over at
who have expressed interest in Skyride Studios and might partner with me in the video game world.

Since it's almost Halloween, I'd figured since my trick of not posting as often as I'd like has happened, I owe everyone some treats.  So here are two songs (works in progress) my amazing composer has been working on for me.  The first is a soothing song for the love interest of the main character:

This next song will be in one of the shops called the Garden of Weeden we showed in a older post that you can find here:

And here is the song:

So there you have it at the moment.  Lot's of fun things coming along the way as they get finished.  Keep a eye out for some side projects that will be posted here as the video game continues on.  Thanks for reading!

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