We are proud to have our game on steam:
That in of itself was a huge accomplishment for us. We've always wanted to see our games on steam and soon we can wait to see the good/bad reviews left by the people interested enough in playing it.
Another big first was completing our boxsets for the game:
We concepted and designed these last year around x-mas time. Somewhere I have 30 trial versions sitting in a box with different designs and patterns and shapes. If someone were to ask me what I'm most proud about, first would be the completed game but in a close second are these guys. Not only do we make them custom but get to oversee the quality of them and know that the hard work we put into them is being enjoyed by the people buying them.
Earlier this year we were allowed to host a panel at Anime Expo 2019:
As nerve-racking as it was to prep for, we all had a blast getting to present our vision and take on making a game to others interested in the same. We hope Anime Expo allows us back in future years when we have new games to showcase.
In October we will be hosting another at GameSoundCon. This one obviously more geared towards sound design/composing.
We will post about the convention after it's over.
That's about it for now. We have many more projects planned/in development so keep an eye out for more posts in the future if you want to see a variety of visual novels. (^_^)
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